Unlimited website maintenance, updates, and graphic design support under a single subscription

Seeking freelancers, recruiting a full-time design team, or engaging with agencies can incur significant costs, consume time, and present logistical challenges. Our single subscription platform efficiently manages all your graphic design and web development projects, providing seamless scalability tailored to your evolving needs.

Details coming soon.

Discover how our comprehensive maintenance plans convert websites into evergreen assets

Regular plugin & theme updates

We’ll make sure your theme & plugins are up-to-date with the most recent releases.

Daily offsite website backups

Having offsite backups of your WordPress website is essential! We’ll make sure that’s taken care of.

Regular WordPress core updates

We’ll ensure your content management system runs with the most up-to-date features.

Downtime monitoring

If your website goes down, we’ll be the first to know & will be able to hop into action.

Security monitoring

We’ll be alerted should your website’s security be at risk.

Visual review

We'll make sure your website is looking and functioning correctly.

Priority content updates & troubleshooting

As a website maintenance plan member, you come first. Your needs are our priority.

Reduced hourly rate

Do you need other website or design work done? You will have access to our reduced hourly rate for your additional needs.

Email support

Have questions or need help? We’ll be available to support you via email.

Why is WordPress website maintenance so important?

Having a WordPress website that isn’t maintained can result in a whole host of problems including:

Performance Issues

Consistent updates can address bugs and enhance the speed and efficiency of your website. This, in turn, contributes to an improved user experience for your visitors, fostering increased engagement and a greater chance of conversions.

Website Hacks

Due to its widespread popularity, WordPress is a frequent target for hackers and cybercriminals. Ensuring regular updates to the core software, plugins, and themes is crucial in safeguarding your site against potential security threats.

Compatibility Problems

Consistent updates play a vital role in ensuring the compatibility of your plugins and themes with the latest WordPress version and with each other. This helps prevent compatibility issues that might otherwise lead to your site breaking or functioning improperly.

Lack of Backups

Imagine the scenario where your WordPress website gets hacked, and your content is either messed up or, worse, completely deleted. Without a backup, you're in a tough situation. A reliable website maintenance plan usually includes regular offsite backups, ensuring a swift recovery to get your website back up and running.

Poor SEO

Regularly refreshing content contributes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and overall performance improvement.

Stress & Time

Consistent website maintenance can be a time and cost saver in the long term. By routinely fixing bugs and addressing compatibility issues, you can proactively avoid the development of more significant problems. This proactive approach helps prevent costly downtime and the necessity for major repairs in the future.

Website Maintenance Plans Pricing & Benefits

Get more return on your website investment with our aftercare maintenance plans specifically designed to safeguard against hackers and optimize performance so no lead gets left behind.


Perfect for the solopreneur or artist needing core updates, backups, and minimal assistance with content management.
$195per month
  • 3x Quick Website Content Updates
  • Weekly Core & Plugin Updates
  • Daily Core & Database Backups
  • Security & Malware Monitoring
  • Uptime Monitoring


Excellent for the established enterprise seeking to nurture consumer relationships and develop comprehensive growth strategies.
$995per month
  • All Business Plan Features Plus
  • Priority Support
  • 6x Quick Website Content Updates
  • 2x 30 Min of Development Time (New Page Templates & Functionality)
  • 30 Min/Month Strategy Consulting Session (help you stay clear about your objectives and remain accountable)


Perfect for the solopreneur or artist needing core updates, backups, and minimal assistance with content management.
$1950per year (two months free)
  • 3x Quick Website Content Updates
  • Weekly Core & Plugin Updates
  • Daily Core & Database Backups
  • Security & Malware Monitoring
  • Uptime Monitoring


Excellent for the established enterprise seeking to nurture consumer relationships and develop comprehensive growth strategies.
$9950per year (two months free)
  • All Business Plan Features Plus
  • Priority Support
  • 6x Quick Website Content Updates
  • 2x 30 Min of Development Time (New Page Templates & Functionality)
  • 30 Min/Month Strategy Consulting Session (help you stay clear about your objectives and remain accountable)
Get in touch for a custom-tailored maintenance plan

All aftercare plans include:

Covers our time to assess your current situation, set up properly, get you onboarded and migrated to our servers. Complex websites may require additional set up time.

Note: the Standard Plan does not include hosting.

We host our websites on SiteGround and it includes:

  • 10 GB Web Space
  • Unmetered Traffic
  • Free SSL
  • Daily Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Free Email
  • Enhanced Security
  • Out-of-the-box Caching

SSL certificates powered by Let’s Encrypt are included with all of our hosted websites, ensuring your site is safe for browsing and gives you SEO points.

Core Software & Plugin Updates: Keeping WordPress and its plugins up-to-date is essential for the safety of your website and online presence. These are much like the software updates you get for your computer or smartphone.

Easily fix your website in the unlikely event you get hacked or something goes wrong. Our hosting service includes automatic daily site backups, hourly database backups, and on-demand backups. All backups kept for 30 days.

Daily malware scanning, to catch naughty hackers right away.

We check your website every five minutes to make sure it’s up and running smoothly so you don’t miss a potential lead.

Regular scans of your entire website to find broken links that need to be addressed.

Common Questions

We include the costs of any premium licenses for applications that provide a wide range of services from spam protection to SEO optimization. If we need to use any additional special plugins that cost extra we will talk to you about it first.

Absolutely! We value our clients and aim to foster a positive relationship. While we’d be disappointed to see you go, we understand that financial circumstances can change. If you need to cancel, simply shoot us an email, and we’ll halt your next payment promptly. If your website is hosted with us and you decide to cancel the care plan, we can discuss whether you’d like to continue hosting with us or explore migrating to a new hosting provider.

Yes, we specialize in hosting WordPress sites. Our services encompass robust security, daily backups, essential updates, malware scanning, and additional features.

Absolutely! Our specialization is in WordPress sites, offering top-notch security, daily backups, crucial updates, malware scanning, and more. Therefore, we can host your site without providing monthly maintenance if that’s your preference.

Our support packages operate as retainers, with dedicated time slots allocated each month for our priority clients. Incoming requests are queued and promptly addressed. Please note that time does not carry over due to resource constraints.

Generally, no, meetings are not included in our packages. They are invoiced in 15-minute increments along with the work performed. While certain meetings may be included, we make an effort to balance them with the monthly support tasks. For instance, if the plan allows for two hours of support and 1.5 hours are consumed by meetings, there’s limited time for actual work. Email is often the preferred communication method for its quick response, but we understand some clients may opt for phone or video calls. Additionally, meetings can serve as strategy sessions, guiding the path for growth and improvements to your website and online presence. Many clients utilize this time for screen-sharing, making small updates or receiving training.

If your website isn’t loading, begin by verifying if others are experiencing the same issue at https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/. If the problem seems isolated to you, attempt clearing your browser history (cache and cookies), and check your internet connection before reloading the page. Should the issue persist for everyone, email us at care@beri.group, even though our website uptime monitor likely has already alerted us. It’s probable that the problem is linked to common issues such as the expiration of your web hosting, domain, or SSL certificate with pending payment. Alternatively, it could be due to maintenance problems with the web hosting. Any issues beyond these will be thoroughly investigated to restore the site. If we host or manage your website, please reach out to care@beri.group.

Yes, we’re open to taking on websites created by other developers, although we have a selective process. Initially, we’ll conduct a website evaluation to understand its structure and ensure we can efficiently manage it. Throughout the evaluation, we’ll go through our checklist and offer recommendations for enhancements, in order to proceed with a monthly plan. For additional information on obtaining an evaluation, please reach out to us.

Allow us to handle the updates for you. Website maintenance is crucial for ensuring your site functions smoothly. At BERI, we follow a meticulous process, starting with a backup, checking the website, performing updates, and then conducting a final check for any alterations. Our software maintains a record of updated plugins, enabling us to identify and revert to previous versions in case of issues. If updates are done directly through your WordPress admin, this record isn’t retained. We perform monthly updates on the 15th or 30th, allowing us dedicated time to thoroughly check your website. Our monthly maintenance report also includes performance and security scans. In the rare event of a plugin issue, it’s treated as a support ticket and resolved proactively. We exercise caution in updating plugins, handling significant updates like WooCommerce as a separate task to ensure additional quality control.

You’re hiring skilled professionals who are a pleasure to collaborate with. Consider us not just as service providers but as genuine partners who genuinely care about you and your customers. We believe in transparent communication and will present the process clearly, adapting to your preferred pace. Depending on your marketing or graphics requirements, you could receive a comprehensive package including a logo, website, print collateral, and social media items—an all-encompassing solution for establishing your complete brand identity. We function as a convenient one-stop-shop. And here are your Client Bill of Rights →

The goal of our support plans is to proactively avoid such occurrences, ideally preventing such situations. Nevertheless, given the inherent imperfections in software, things may break, and servers may go down. In such cases, we receive immediate notifications and promptly investigate the issue. While we cannot guarantee complete immunity from hacking, we take extensive measures to prevent it. In the unfortunate event of a security breach, we are prepared to restore your site to an uncompromised state and thwart any malicious hacking attempts.

We address urgent matters with prompt attention. Depending on the urgency of your request, you have several options. You can expedite our response by sending an email to care@beri.group with “urgent” in the subject line. If email isn’t sufficiently fast, consider texting us at 917-830-7215. And if even that is not swift enough, feel free to give us a call at the same number.